A Powerful Tool For Business

The Storybrand SB7 framework is a powerful tool for businesses looking to clarify their message and create compelling marketing materials. Developed by best-selling author and marketing expert Donald Miller, the SB7 framework is a simple and effective way to help businesses connect with their customers and stand out in a crowded marketplace.


The SB7 framework is made up of seven key points that are essential for creating a clear and compelling message. These points are:

  1. A character (the customer)
  2. Has a problem
  3. And meets a guide (the business)
  4. Who gives them a plan
  5. And calls them to action
  6. That helps them avoid failure
  7. And ends in success

The first point, a character, is the customer. This is the person who will be the focus of your marketing efforts. Understanding who your customer is and what their problems are is the key to creating a message that will resonate with them.

The second point, a problem, is the issue that your customer is facing. This could be anything from a lack of time, money, or confidence to a more specific problem related to your product or service. Understanding the problem that your customer is facing is crucial for creating a message that will speak directly to them.

The third point, a guide, is the business. This is the person or company that is offering the solution to the customer’s problem. The guide must be someone that the customer trusts and is willing to follow.

The fourth point, a plan, is the solution that the guide offers to the customer. This should be a simple, clear plan that the customer can easily understand and follow.
The fifth point, a call to action, is the next step that the customer should take in order to solve their problem. This could be anything from signing up for a free consultation to making a purchase.
The sixth point, avoiding failure, is the potential pitfalls that the customer may encounter while following the plan. Identifying these potential failure points and showing the customer how to avoid them can help increase the chances of their success.
The seventh point, success, is the end result that the customer will achieve if they follow the plan. This should be a clear and tangible benefit that the customer will receive as a result of working with the guide.

Effectively Communicate the Desired Message

Using the SB7 framework is important because it helps businesses to create a clear and compelling message that will resonate with their customers. By focusing on the customer’s needs and the unique value the business can provide, businesses can create a message that will stand out in a crowded marketplace. Additionally, businesses can use the SB7 framework to ensure that their marketing materials align with their overall marketing goals and effectively communicate the desired message.


SEED MEDIA – Certified Storybrand Guide

If you’re interested in using the Storybrand SB7 framework to improve your marketing efforts, connect with our Certified Storybrand Guide today to get started. They will help you develop a clear and concise message that focuses on the customer’s needs and the unique value your business can provide. It will ensure that the final product aligns with your marketing goals and effectively communicates the desired message.